Start a Tech Career in 3 Simple, Actionable Steps

Entering the tech industry can be both exciting and intimidating, but with the right steps, anyone can Start a Tech Career in 3 Simple, Actionable Steps.

My name is Increase Chisom Ukoha, and I am a pro Web Developer, WordPress Expert, Graphic Designer, and Content Writer with years of experience. I have worked with various clients, helping them achieve many levels of success. I’ve also helped over 100 people to get started in Tech through my courses, mentorship and webinars.

Today, I’m writing this post on behalf of Optimal Digitals to share the essential steps for starting your career in tech.

Starting a career in Tech changed my life and made me feel in charge of my destiny.

You too can. It is not as difficult as you think.

I’ve been in the Tech space for almost 8 years now and I’ve made a lot of success.

If you want to start a career in Tech – read this to the end.

The Tech industry is like every other industry… You have to build a career in it with skills, experience and time.

You don’t start today & expect millions the next day (don’t rule out the possibility tho 😉)

Top 3 things I recommend you do when starting your tech journey:


  1. Take your time to study as many Tech careers as possible, don’t be in a rush.

    Choose one that is in demand and you’re passionate about.

You don’t want to pick a skill that is not in demand, you won’t hire yourself. Neither will you pick a career you despise just for the trend.

Eg. You don’t pick a coding career when you hate mathematics & problem solving.

There are over 100 Tech careers in existence today. Pick one that you love.

Read a book about the career. Many will go straight to buying a course, etc, I don’t recommend that because you need to get a good knowledge of it before making investments of money & time on it.

  1. Get a course and start practising immediately. Don’t complicate it.

For a start, investing an hour everyday is not too much. Give yourself a deadline to finish it, be committed to it.

Get a coach who’s already successful in your chosen skill. You can figure everything out on your own, but a coach saves you time & resources.

Build on the experiences of others. Going on a journey is good, doing so with speed & precision is better. A coach gives you speed & precision.

  1. Make friends within the industry.

Join social media groups that are dedicated to your chosen career. Go for tech events offline & online. Network!

Tech can be exhausting, there are days you’ll lose steam 😔 but having people going through the same thing with you will bring encouragement.

Having people with a similar interest helps you to stay in touch with industry trends.

Besides, the best opportunities in the world are gotten through recommendations not applications.

Your network will mention your name in places your application won’t go This is a 3 step process I highly recommend for anyone about to get started in the Tech Space.

No career is easy to build, but nothing is too difficult when you start on the right foot.

I recommend you start now.

If you want to start a career in Tech & need some direction, Optimal Digitals have put together a small ebook that will help you navigate your way as a beginner.

It is free of charge.

Click here to contact us to receive it.

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